All upcoming events

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Wed 19-02
Wed 19-02
PhD Evening Biotechnology

Have you ever wondered what it is like doing a PhD at WUR??? Now's your chance to find out!

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Thu 20-02
Thu 20-02
Aprèsski MiBo

Come in for a AprèsSki themed drink with the reveal of a new PubCie item!

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Fri 21-02
Fri 21-02
SportCie Ice Skating

Get active this winter and come ice skating with the SportCie!

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Thu 27-02
Thu 27-02
Lustrum Committee x AlmanakCie interest lunch

Come in for a free interest lunch and get to know more about the LuCo and Lustrum AlmanakCie!

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Thu 27-02
Thu 27-02
BiotECs Escape Room

Ga mee met de BiotECs om te strijden in een Wageningse escaperoom!

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Tue 11-03
Tue 11-03
Mieters Overal Gieters

Mieters overal gieters? Klinkt als een grimmig natte bedoeling...

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Wed 12-03
Wed 12-03
Bestuurs Interesse Lunch

Zou jij je steentje willen bijdragen in het gaafste jaar mogelijk: een CODON bestuursjaar? Lunch gra

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Wed 12-03
Wed 12-03
Masters activity

More information coming soon!!!

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Thu 13-03
Thu 13-03

Come drink a beer and soda and get to know all first years and DoMiBoCo drinking games!

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Tue 18-03
Tue 18-03
GalaCie matching party

Find your match for the Integration Gala during this matchings party!

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Wed 19-03
Wed 19-03

Feest mee met sjaars van CODON en alle andere studieverenigingen!

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Thu 20-03
Thu 20-03
BankCie nostalgia night

Come rediscover your childhood activities like loom bands, strijkkralen, scoobiedoo and more!!
